Return to your soul essence with divine healing light
Welcome, I’m Kassie.
Alchemist. Channel of Light. Wisdom Keeper.
My work is all about illumination.
Illuminating your soul, filling you with divine light, helping you shift into your future self – the self you desire to become. By using me as a Channel of Light, an infusion of life force energy, a divine healing light, is transferred, creating and allowing shifts to occur, which can lead to a great awakening within.
We co-create together to return your soul to its essence so you can see and realize your unique qualities and gifts that you have to share with the world.
I help YOUR soul bridge the gap between who YOU feel like right now and who YOU really are deep inside.
We are all here to be of service. So many of us have lost our way and don’t remember why we are here. We get bogged down by the day-to-day stressors, and the many traumas we have sustained in the past. The light in our soul gets clouded and cluttered. It’s like a room that has been stacked full of garbage, and the garbage has to be cleared out. Once the garbage is gone, you can see the real and simple beauty of the room.
I want you to see the real and simple beauty of your soul. To feel and know who you really are and what your unique gifts are, so that you can share these gifts with the world.
"Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics." - ALBERT EINSTEIN
My work opens and purifies your heart space to receive the information of who you really are, so you know your purpose in this life.
I want to teach you to love the truth about yourself: that the light and the dark within you have no difference. I reflect your own light back to you so you see who you are and know where your work lies as you move toward wholeness.
I teach you to lighten your heart through self-acceptance and self-love. To see yourself clearly and love and accept yourself just as you are so you can move through life with more ease and grace.
Explore my offerings
Experience the guidance and support you’ve been seeking through my transformational and unique healing process of Soul Illumination ™. Offered as distance healing via Zoom worldwide.